Tuesday, February 27, 2007

1.21 Jigawatts...

One of these days, when I look like Doc Brown from Back To The Future (minus the brilliant mind and dog named Einstein), I'll have no one to blame but myself.

Yo, that's sick...

I'm back and not feverish (much) anymore. Did anybody miss me?

(crickets chirp)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

An Official Announcement From KushCash.com...

Effective as of today, Kushcash.com will be dropping Britney Spears as our official Mobile Payment spokesperson. We feel that it is necessary for us to sever our professional relationship with her and wish Miss Spears luck in the future.

Thank you,

The KushCash Team

Friday, February 16, 2007

i Might Regret Posting This By 2morrow Morning...

And yes, it sucked. It was a weird MSN Lost vs. Survivor thing.

My fault. I erased it.

So..I'll post this to make up for it.....

Optimus Prime 2007!!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Alfalfa Hates Darla...

Happy Hallmark Day tomorrow!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Do you remember how to skip?

You know, "skipping"...

hop skip hop la la head tilting back and forth, flowers in hand preferably to school in an old wooden building - huh?

No, seriously I was walking back to the office down the long empty hallway, because it's Friday and thought to myself, "Self? This would be a good hallway to skip across."

So I started to a little, but was afraid to fully commit because...why? Seriously, I mean, what was I afraid of? Falling? There wasn't anybody around. I'm not wary of anyone questioning my sexuality because I'm comfortable in my hetero/metrosexual skin and I bet macho men skip by themselves when the wife goes to sleep - but maybe I was afraid that skipping really doesn't serve a purpose unless you're Laura Ingalls from Little House On The Prairie. Maybe I stopped because when you're older, anything that expends more energy than necessary is definitely a no-no because we need to conserve our energy should the young ones decide to eat us or shuffle us off to convalescent homes.

And then when I got back inside the office, I wanted to ask everybody if they remembered how to skip but they we're all talking about something wonderful KushCash development-wise, so I didn't mention anything. I imagined that an office full of guys and and girls skipping around desks would be funny and maybe the equivalent of when you ask a right-handed person to throw a baseball with their left hand. Many yuk yuks usually ensue.

So, here I am now, hunched over and pecking away on the KushCash blog with "The Sexy Never Left" title that I should change, because now it's not as funny, if it was ever at all.

And that's all folks. It's Friday at 5:32 in the p.m., in the O.C., 02/09/07 in the "21C".

Stick a fork in me - I'm done.

Poochie, indeed...

ううむ。いい質問だ。どうやって巨人を倒すか? 実はわれわれはそんなことには取り組まない。少なくとも今は。遠くから戦士を訓練することができるのに、いきなり膨れ上がった敵の大部隊に立ち向かう必要はないだろう。KushCashが提供しようとしているのは全然別物だ。そう、もちろん、ユーザーはKushCashをありとあらゆる商品の販売や個人間の取り引きに使ってくれていて、ありがたいと思ってる。しかしKushCashが本当に提供したいのはPaypalのような巨人やその他マイナーなライバルが提供できないもの、個性とか使いやすさ、フレッシュなシステムなどだ。今のモバイルでの支払いのマーケットはまるで白黒の高校生活映画みたいに退屈だ。われわれはそこへいくと、年度の途中で現れたハンサムでスマートな転校生みたいなもの。そう、それに型破りだ。ママを大切にして夕食にはきちんと家に帰るけれど、夜になればズキューン!とドラグレーサーに変身する。われわれはこの種のサービスとして初めてネットワークによるソーシャル金融サービス(*1)を提供することが自慢だ。それとは別にKushCashは現在のサービスに満足していないユーザーに大いに魅力があるはず。Paypal Mobileと同じように機能して、もっと簡単に、ユーザーフレンドリーに使えて、Paypalなんかと同じくらい安全でプライバシーも守られたサービスを求めるユーザーはたくさんいる。現在までユーザーからの反応は上々だ。ユーザーにはサーファーもいれば銀行もいる。ベビーシッターもいる。みんながKushCashをビジネスとソーシャル金融に利用している。

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Do Androids Dream Of Text Revisions?

I don't dream of anything on a regular basis except for bees that speak human and being trapped in a dungeon with a taller version of Eva Longoria - but I've seriously been, lately, having a ton of dreams dealing with typos, bad syntax and grammatical errors.

And if it's a particularly bad night, I have a recurring nightmare ivolving Eva Longoria, but with a bee's head, hitting me in the knuckles over and over in a dungeon as I type this post that you're reading right now...

KushCash Award Of The Day!

"Solar power in the Sunshine State -- sounds like a winner to us! The town of Dania, Florida has taken a page from Treehugger, and decided that solar-powered street lights would be a good investment, considering the threat of hurricane-caused power outages. Dania will invest $1 million in the improvements, and city officials believe that's money well-spent after the power outages caused by 2005's Hurricane Wilma."


I Regret Bringing In Connect Four - Because I'm Statistically about 50/50...

Also, the new Bloc Party album comes out today - Nice.
